Date(s) - November 30 - 2024 until December 1 - 2024
10:00 am - 4:30 pm


Contributing to Social Change:  

At the heart of NVC is a deep and compassionate awareness that much of our world is brutal, unjust and dysfunctional. Asking one another, “How then shall we live?” becomes imperative as our awareness rises. It is a question that resonates at a political, spiritual and a systemic level. NVC allows people to peacefully influence the organisations, communities and social systems that impact their lives.

A longing for a different world for us to share, or an awareness that our current structures are not working, is often an access point to NVC.

Come and explore how this process can enable you to be the change you want to see and to work in solidarity and respect with those who long for change – and with those who fear or resist it – to reach for the systemic changes our planet and communities are longing for.

A chance to better equip ourselves to act, think and speak non-violently: sustaining challenging conversations and interactions while remaining centred, creative and connected within ourselves.
Build trust in your own capacity to speak the truth with love. Learn how to support shifts from a paradigm of demands, punishment and rewards to one of self-responsibility, trust, mutual support and interdependence.
Preparation: Open Access. The Foundation and each of the Deepening the Foundation courses teach skills which will support you in a nonviolent approach to social change. For this reason the social change course is the only one of the Deepening the Foundation courses (see which I support people to access ahead of a Foundation, if this feels congruent to them too.

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